Deputy commander of the Azov Brigade: Russian invaders lost a number of positions in the Serebrianskyi forest

15 June, 2024 Battles in the Serebriansky forest. Spring-summer 2024. Frame from the video of the Azov Brigade

Ukrainian Defense Forces knocked out Russian invaders from a number of positions in the Serebrianskyi forest in the Luhansk region. Lieutenant Colonel Sviatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the 12th Azov Assault Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, reported on this. The brigade's soldiers systematically drove the Russian invaders out of their positions in one of the areas and then gained a foothold there.

And today they are holding the territory from Russian counterattacks. The DeepState team also made changes to the interactive map of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which shows the loss of Russian positions in the Serebrianskyi forest.

Russian positions lost in the Serebrianskyi forest in the Luhansk region. June 2024.

Photo credits: DeepState

The press service of the Azov Assault Brigade showed a video of the combat work of its soldiers in this sector.