Attack on Dnipro: memorial sites appear in Russian cities

Places of tragedy began to appear in Russian cities in memory of people who died as a result of the Russian attack on Dnipro, where 45 people died. Source: Meduza [Russian news outlet] Details: In particular, a place of tragedy appeared near the monument of Taras Shevchenko, the renowned Ukrainian poet, in Krasnodar.

People brought flowers, candles and children's toys to it; a photo of the destroyed house was placed near the monument. A similar site also appeared near the monument to Shevchenko in St. Petersburg: next to it, residents of St.

Petersburg used candles to lay out the 'Dnipro' word.

Another memorial site for those who died in the attack on Dnipro appeared next to the monument to the victims of political repression in Yekaterinburg. Residents of Moscow brought flowers, candles and toys to the monument of Lesya Ukrainka. However, on the night of 18 January, the improvised site was removed by the employees of local utility services.

Police car is on duty near thar site in Moscow. According to OVD-Info [Russian independent human rights media project], the police detained four people the day before.

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One of them is accused of petty hooliganism, he was left at the police station until morning.

It is not known what happened to the other detainees. Vesna [Russian news outlet] reports that after the arrests near the original memorial site, Moscow residents began to bring flowers to the monument to Taras Shevchenko. Background: 

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