Macron announces creation of a 100 million euro fund to purchase weapons for Ukraine

7 October, 2022 CAESAR self-propelled guns of the Ukrainian military. Summer 2022. Ukraine.

Photo: Radio Svoboda Emmanuel Macron said that France will create a special fund for the supply of weapons to Ukraine. This will allow for the continued armament of the Ukrainian forces with Western equipment.

The President of France said this at a press conference in Prague after the summit of the European Political Community, reports Le Figaro. "This fund will allow us to continue to supply defense weapons," he said.

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June 2022. Photo credits: Office of the President of Ukraine

He also stressed that this will allow Ukraine to purchase weapons directly from manufacturing enterprises and work with the French defense-industrial base. In addition, Emmanuel Macron confirmed negotiations with Denmark to transfer six additional Caesar self-propelled guns to Ukraine.

Caesar self-propelled guns in the Armed Forces.

Photo credits: Joint Force Group

"We are also in talks with our Danish partners to supply Caesar ACS. In any case, we are ready for this and are also ready for co-financing. This would allow to deliver several units of this artillery system, a total of 6," - said the President of France.

Prior to this, the information on the transfer to Ukraine of Caesar self-propelled guns for supplies for Denmark appeared. This is the subject of a "principled political arrangement" between the governments of France, Denmark and Ukraine. "Caesar" systems for the Danish army are heavier than those intended for the French.

They can carry up to 36 shells instead of 18. In addition, howitzers are better protected by armor.

Caesar ACS of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Photo credits: JFO

In addition, France is reviewing its policy in the defense industry and plans to accelerate the production of 155mm ammunition and Caesar self-propelled guns.

For this purpose, the government is negotiating with companies manufacturers of weapons.

It should be reminded that French media have reported that Ukraine will soon receive French Bastion armored personnel carriers.

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