Ukrainian military uses Bulgarian thermobaric grenades

The Ukrainian military uses Bulgarian-made RTB-7MA thermobaric grenades, according to Militarny. The RTB-7MA grenades were produced for Soviet RPG-7 grenade launchers. A video of the use of this ammunition during battles on the outskirts of Bakhmut was published by soldiers of the 241st Territorial Defense Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Earlier, grenades' transfer by Bulgaria to Ukraine or use by the Defense Forces were not reported.

In the published video, soldiers shoot thermobaric grenades at the enemy's positions at buildings. The grenade may be identified by the form of the warhead and the location of the fuze.


RTB-7MA are 40/106mm overbore thermobaric grenades created for use with Soviet-era RPG-7 40mm grenade launchers and their copies. The munition was developed and manufactured by the Bulgarian Arsenal defense company.

RTB-7MA thermobaric grenade for RPG-7 grenade launchers manufactured by the Bulgarian company Arsenal

Munition is designed to defeat the manpower and equipment of the enemy, located mainly in field-type shelters, fortifications, and stone or brick structures.

Thermobaric ammunition uses the effect of a fuel-air explosive. Due to the large size of the aerosol, the energy of the shock wave retains an impressive effect over a longer distance. The explosion occurs in two stages: first, a small charge is detonated.

It distributes a cloud of flammable substance over the area. Then a second charge is detonated with a small delay, which causes the cloud of aerosol to detonate. Earlier, Militarny reported that the Ukrainian military uses Bulgarian-made ATGL-L grenade launchers.

ATGL-L 40mm anti-tank grenade launchers manufactured by the Bulgarian Arsenal enterprise were seen in the Ukrainian military during training.

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