Russian propagandists: Warlord Girkin sent to frontline in Ukraine.

Russian warlord Igor Girkin, also known as Strelkov, was sent to the frontline as a deputy battalion commander or the chief of staff of a unit, Russian propagandist and war journalist Maksim Fomin and other propagandists said. Girkin, who is usually active on social media daily, has been silent since Oct. 10. Girkin’s wife Miroslava Reginskaya posted a photo of him in a military uniform on Oct. 15 and added that he was alright and would soon be in touch again. Girkin effectively launched the war in the Donbas by seizing Slovyansk in April 2014. Since then, he has become critical of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, lashing out at him for mishandling the war effort. Girkin reportedly tried to go to the front in Ukraine in August 2022 but was blocked by the Russian authorities.  


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