Russians change night operation tactics near Vuhledar

The Russian occupation forces have almost stopped assault and sabotage activities at night on the Vuhledar front and are using this time to replenish their forces and bring in reserves. Source: Colonel Oleksii Dmytrashkivskyi, spokesman for the joint press office of the Armed Forces of the Tavria front, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast Quote: "The enemy has slightly changed its tactics on this front; it has stopped attacking our positions at night.

Over the last two days, the number of assault actions in this area has ranged from three to four... Previously, they were conducting disturbing fire, sabotage and reconnaissance and assault groups were constantly working. Today, we can observe a slightly different tactic: at night, they are trying to restore and replenish reserves and personnel."

Details: Instead, according to Dmytrashkivskyi, the Russians are using artillery very heavily during the day (223 times on the Donetsk front on 16 February) and assault operations, which amounted to 16 on Thursday on the Vuhledar and Marinka fronts. The Russians are also using aircraft [seven times over the past day - ed.]. At the same time, according to the colonel, on 16 February, a whole battery of Russian D-30 howitzers along with their service personnel were destroyed by Ukrainian gunners on the Donetsk front.

"In general, all attacks yesterday and overnight were repelled.

No enemy advance has been observed there," emphasised Dmytrashkivskyi. At the same time, the spokesman of the Armed Forces of the Tavria front noted that the occupiers will likely continue their assault operations, as they have a task from Putin to reach the borders of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Quote: "As for the enemy's further actions, whether they will continue, I think they will.

However, their actions today have changed dramatically: they no longer have the capabilities with which they began the assault and offensive on this front. In my opinion, it will take quite some time to restore on this front so that they can fully attack: I think it will take at least until May-June. But the enemy will still constantly disturb this front, because they have a clearly defined task from their president.  I think the situation will change somewhat, but we are going to hold these positions."

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