Air assault brigade soldiers offered their assessment for the Bushmaster armored vehicle

25 October, 2022 Bushmaster MRAP of the Armed Forces. Photo credits: ArmyInform Soldiers of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine discussed the peculiarities of the Bushmaster armored vehicle operation.

Paratroopers shared with ArmiaInform about the performance of the Australian armored vehicle during the hostilities against the Russian invaders. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, foreign partners have been providing Ukraine with a variety of weapons and military equipment. In particular, Ukrainian airborne brigades use Australian Bushmaster armored vehicles.

"I want to say that the Australian Bushmaster has done pretty well. At the beginning of the war, we did not have vehicles with this level of anti-puncture protection, and this car holds very well against fragments. When we were leaving the city of Lysychansk, there was a case of the 82nd mine exploding right near the vehicle's wheel.

Then, only the wheel had faded, but we successfully reached the destination, and all the personnel remained alive and unharmed," - shared the soldier Volodymyr.

According to the airbornes, the vehicle's remotely controlled combat module is distinguished by "high accuracy" and has a thermal sight.

The workplace of the combat module operator in the Bushmaster armored vehicle. Photo credits: ArmyInform

"Now, we have a 7.62mm machine gun and an Mk19 grenade launcher. We are thinking of installing another M2 Browning machine gun; after all, a caliber of 12.7mm would be great," the military added.

The paratroopers assured that the Australian armored vehicle copes well with the tasks assigned to it, and its strong armor does the job of protecting the crew.

The armored glass that withstood damage and protected the crew of the Bushmaster armored vehicle in the Armed Forces. Photo credits: ArmyInform

"To transport the personnel, this is the best option, due to air conditioning in summer, heating in winter, a large capacity. But, in my opinion, to conduct large-scale hostilities, we would still need something like a BTR-4," the military said.

Another soldier named Mykhailo added that just 2 weeks ago, a shell from the Grad MLRS exploded 15 meters away from their Bushmaster.

Bushmaster`s armored hull with damage marks. Photo credits: ArmyInform

However, the hull of the vehicle remained undamaged, and only the wheel was damaged. Therefore, he and the vehicle's gunner remained unharmed.

The soldier also spoke about the time when the crew survived an armored vehicle hitting two anti-tank mines. "Yes, back then, the Bushmaster ripped off the wheels and trunk, yet the bottom of the car withstood. The crew, of course, was shell-shocked, but all remained alive," Mykhailo emphasized.

Soldier Serhii, a driver of the Australian armored vehicle, shared that the inconvenience of the vehicle only includes the right-hand position of the steering wheel, which is unusual for our country.

The place of the driver of the Bushmaster armored vehicle. Photo credits: ArmyInform

"In general, Bushmaster has proven itself very well. It withstood two shots from the RPG, and the crew survived.

I believe that we are very lucky with this vehicle, as it is one of the ten best-armored vehicles in the world and is able to withstand up to 8 kg of TNT. The only disadvantage that I highlighted for myself is the right-hand steering wheel. Although this is probably not even a disadvantage, rather you just need to get used to it," shared the military driver Serhii.

The first MRAP Bushmaster PMV for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, April 8, 2022.

Photo credits: Australian Ministry of Defense

Bushmaster PMV is an Australian MRAP manufactured by Thales Australia.

MRAP Bushmaster PMV for the Armed Forces, April 8, 2022. Photo credits: Vasyl Miroshnychenko

It is capable of transporting 9 soldiers. It provides protection against small arms and mine explosions (6 kg of TNT), which meets the STANAG4569 standard.

Bushmaster of the Ukrainian military during the counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region.

September 2022. Ukraine. Photo from social media

The vehicles were shipped to the units of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces within the framework of international technical assistance from Australia.

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