Belarus to mobilize 250 reserve officers

10 March, 2023 Belarusian military. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed the decree "On the call-up of reserve officers for military service."

By this order, up to 250 people can be drafted into the armed forces of Belarus, his press service reported. The document envisages conscripting 230 people under the age of 27 into the army in 2023, and up to 20 people into the border guard. Those who have completed training in the relevant training programs for reserve officers at military departments or faculties, have the military rank of officer and are enrolled in the reserve will be called up.

"Implementation of this decree allows increasing the staffing level of primary military positions of officers in the armed forces, to ensure high-quality training of the mobilization reserve," the press service reported. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus has repeatedly denied information about a possible mobilization in connection with Russia's war in Ukraine, saying that Belarusian military commissions conduct only routine inspections of conscript lists. The leadership of Belarus supported Russia's aggression against Ukraine and allowed the use of military infrastructure and airspace for the invasion of the Russian army and shelling of Ukrainian cities.

Russian soldiers undergo training in Belarus at training grounds before going to fight in Ukraine. There is also evidence that Belarus is helping Russia with weapons: tanks and other armored vehicles, along with ammunition, are being actively exported to Russia, although the Ministry of Defense of Belarus claims that the equipment is being exported for modernization.

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p2022 ???? ? ????? An echelon of T-72A in the Minsk region of Belarus is moving towards the Russian Federation, October 2022. Frame from the video

In September 2022, the Belarusian authorities announced that the country would create a joint grouping of troops with Russia due to "the need to counter NATO's aggressive intentions and ensure defense capability."

According to the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, the group includes up to 9,000 Russian servicemen, as well as up to 170 tanks, up to 200 units of armored vehicles and up to 100 guns.

As previously reported, recently in Belarus, an explosion disabled the Russian A-50U airborne early warning and control aircraft.

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