Video released of attack on Sevastopol Bay by marine drones

24 March, 2023 Sevastopol Bay. Photo from open sources On the morning of March 22, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, followed by the Russian occupation authorities announcing an attack by surface drones.

Three surface objects were reported. The invaders also stated that the air defense forces were also operating in the same area - on air targets. Now another video has surfaced on social media.

The video features naval drones entering the bay where the base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is located. At least three surface drones are visible in the video.

On the approaches to the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, a net was established that served as an obstacle to the movement of watercraft. One of the drones is recorded to be supposedly crashing into this boom barrier and exploding. However, the two other drones managed to bypass (jump over) the barriers and enter the harbor.

Whether the Russian invaders managed to record the movement of the drones and open fire on them is unknown. The released footage captured the moment of the explosion of the marine drone directly in the water area of the bay.

The cause of the explosion is yet unknown. There is a possibility that the drone was hit by Russians or that it ran into an obstacle and therefore detonated.

Ukrainian marine drone "Bakhmut". March 2023.

Ukraine. Photo credits: Serhii Sternenko

A new version of the Ukrainian military naval drone has recently been showcased. Presumably, the drones have a warhead and will be used as strikes against Russian naval targets.

Ukrainian marine drone "Bakhmut".

March 2023. Ukraine. Photo credits: Ihor Lachenkov

Besides, OSINT analyst H I Sutton suggested how the new Ukrainian maritime drone looked compared to the previous version.

This is the probable appearance of the new Ukrainian military maritime drone (lower apparatus) according to OSINT analyst H I Sutton

Currently, a fleet of marine unmanned vehicles is being built in Ukraine, which should protect the waters of the Ukrainian seas and prevent Russian warships from active operations.

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