Norway and the Netherlands transfer €250 million for the defense of Ukraine

The defense ministers of Norway and the Netherlands announced contributions to the British-led International Fund for Ukraine. According to Bj?rn Arild Gram, Norwegian Defense Minister, Oslo will donate about NOK 1.5 billion (about EUR150 million) to the fund. This contribution follows the NOK 400 million (EUR39.6 million) Norway previously donated to the fund.

That funding was previously used to acquire drones, drone jamming equipment and artillery shells. The fund acquires military equipment that Ukraine requires directly from the defense industry. The NOK 1.5 billion donation is a part of the NOK 3 billion that the Norwegian government will provide in military support to Ukraine till the end of 2022.

Ministra oboroni Norvegiyi Bjorn Arild Gram ta ministr oboroni Britaniyi Ben Volles.
pFoto: Minoboroni Norvegiyi Norwegian Defense Minister Bj?rn Arild Gram and British Defense Minister Ben Wallace. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of Norway

"This fund provides equipment acquired directly from the defense industry. Norway has a world leading defense industry within certain areas, and produces systems that can supply Ukraine's requirements.

I am pleased that Norwegian industry will be able to compete for contracts through this fund," the Minister of Defense said. In its turn, Kajsa Ollongren, head of the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands, announced a EUR100 million transfer by the country to the International Fund for Ukraine. It is expected that the first contracts for the supply of weapons will be concluded by the end of 2022.

The International Fund for Ukraine allows participating countries to continue providing military assistance to Ukraine in the long term without compromising their military capabilities.

Ministr oboroni Niderlandiv u czentri pidgotovki ukrayins`kix vijs`kovix. Foto: Minoboroni Niderlandiv The Minister of Defense of the Netherlands at the Ukrainian military training center. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands

The process of creating the fund is at its final stage.

Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, as well as Ukraine, will participate in the British-led fund. Contracts may also be submitted by parties from non-contributing countries. The government of the country in which the manufacturer of military products is located must vouch for the reliability of this manufacturer.

This government is also responsible for the necessary export licenses.

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