Poor response to police call to install CCTV cams in South Goa …

03 Apr 2023 | 05:37am IST

Poor response to police call to install CCTV cams in South Goa houses as thefts rise

Residents say onus of keeping areas safe should be on the police by intensify night patrolling, keep a check on migrants
Poor response to police call to install CCTV cams in South Goa houses as thefts rise

Team Herald MARGAO: Although the South Goa District Police have appealed to the members of public to install adequate CCTV cameras with night vision facility and a minimum data storage capacity lasting 15 days around their residences to help curb the rising incidence of burglaries, officers say response to the request has not been satisfactory. Residents, on the other hand, maintain that the onus of ensuring the safety and security of an area is on the police force.

They say that instead of urging the common man to spend large sums of money to install surveillance systems around their homes, the police should instead intensify night patrolling and keep a check on migrants who burgle houses. "Not everyone can afford to install CCTV cameras at their residences. While alternative measures can also be taken, they require substantial expenditure," says Milind Raiker, a Fatorda resident.

Police records indicate that of the 33 cases of housebreaks reported during nightfall in South Goa last year, just 20 were detected. The detection rate of automobile thefts was also low, with only half of the 60 cases having reached their logical conclusion. Similar was the progress in other theft incidents, as just 78 of 100 were solved.

Recovery of stolen property too, has been poor. Most of the cash and gold that has been burgled from houses have never been found. A senior police officer from Salcete reasons that at least one surveillance camera should therefore be installed at each house as most culprits are bike-borne, making it difficult for police to identify them in normal circumstances.

"Images recorded by the CCTV cameras should be clear and the faces of the persons and vehicle number plates should be clearly identifiable," the officer says.

Adequate lighting around homes is necessary, the officer says, as this makes it easy for people to view movement while also posing as a deterrent for burglars.

"Compound walls with lockable gates should be of adequate height with sufficient measures to prevent surreptitious entry," the officer adds.