State Border Guards post touching videos of Ukrainians meeting liberated prisoners of war

The State Border Guards released a video of Ukrainians meeting their comrades recently released from Russian captivity. Source: State Border Guard Service Quote: "Yesterday, during another exchange, 21 border guards returned home.

With tears in their eyes, the soldiers called their relatives, and were happy about the long-awaited meetings and hugs."

Details: On 10 April, Ukraine brought back home a hundred soldiers, among them fighters of the Donetsk, Izmail, Sumy, Kherson border detachments and the Mariupol detachment of the Maritime Guard. Some are seriously injured and ill. The State Border Guard Service promises to do everything necessary so that each of them receives all the necessary help.

Previously: The President's Office reported that another "difficult" large exchange of prisoners took place. Ukraine has brought back 100 more of its soldiers from Russian captivity.

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Among the Ukrainians released from Russian captivity is a defender of Azovstal steelworks, Valeriia "Nava" Karpylenko.

The Security Service of Ukraine clarified that 80 men and 20 women were released from captivity.

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