Prince Harry, Meghan Markle need 'backing, relevance' from royalty …

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Experts believe Prince Harry need more royal links to build relevancy, and 'find their own skills' before they can demand any respect.
PR expert and Go Up's Chief Executive Edward Coram-James made these revelations. His revelations were shared during an interview with Express UK.

There, he said, "In a nutshell, it is not that the Sussexes do not have potential as future filmmakers. It may well be the case that they produce some excellent works, and forge a successful and reputable career therein." "We simply do not yet know of their skills in that department, as we have not seen them produce anything serious."

"For them to have the opportunity to produce such works, they need backing.

For backing, they need relevance.

And for relevance, for now, they need their Royalty."