Prince Harry's 'bloom is starting to fade' and 'royal currency dwindling'

Experts have just warned Prince Harry about the consequences associated with his 'royal currency fading'.
These revelations have been made by the Daily Mail. Per their findings, "Harry is going back for all the right reasons but there was a palpable sigh of relief among those of us involved in the business because Brand Sussex relies on Harry being seen with his family."

"At the end of the day it is all about proximity to the King," the source added. A separate insider close to Walt Disney Studios later backed up the admissions, and warned, "They are at a turning point because they've done the Netflix series and Harry's done his book. You could argue the bloom is starting to fade from the rose.

What is their currency? Their main selling point is their link to the Royal Family." "Harry has to be there [at the Coronation].

In America, this is all part of the narrative.

Harry has to go back and he's either embraced, which is wonderful, or he's not - which will keep the narrative going."