Czech Republic suggests expanding Т-72 tank modernization program for Ukraine

22 April, 2023 The T-72 tank during modernization at the Excalibur Army plant. A frame from the company's video During the meeting in the Ramstein format, the Czech Republic invited its partners to expand the T-72 tanks modernization program for Ukraine.

This was reported by the Czech Ministry of Defense. The Czech Republic expressed its readiness to modernize several dozen additional tanks as part of the joint project with the United States and the Netherlands, which initially provides for the modernization of 90 ?-72 tanks. The director of the Intergovernmental Defense Cooperation Agency (AMOS) of the Czech Republic Ales Vytecka pointed out this possibility.

"We propose to increase the production rate by dozens more (tanks - ed.), if partners are interested in financing this project," Vytecka said.

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A frame from the Current Time TV video

Also, Deputy Minister of Defense Daniel Blazkovec, during a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group on Friday April 21, said that in the matter of aid to Ukraine, the Czech Republic "combines the maximum number of donations from the Czech Army's stocks, purchases from government funds, crowdfunding and commercial supplies". He added that Prague's current priorities in terms of defense support for Kyiv were BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, large-caliber ammunition, electronic warfare, ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance) and air defense. According to Blazkovec, as part of the Czech tripartite project with the United States and the Netherlands on the supply of more than 90 tanks to Ukraine, 37 modernized ?-72 tanks have already been delivered, and there are more of them every month.

As part of this project, the United States will pay for the restoration of 45 units, while the Netherlands will fund the restoration of 45 tanks totaling about £90 million. The Czech Republic is also ready to negotiate the creation of a center for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of heavy military equipment.

Such a center can be created on the basis of the state-owned VOP company and several private companies.

Repair of BMP at the Excalibur Army factory

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion as of February 2023, the Czech government's military assistance to Ukraine has reached 10 billion Czech crowns (422 million euros), and the Czech defense industry has sent weapons and equipment for another 30 billion crowns (1.27 billion euros).

Viktor - a mobile anti-aircraft system with a twin 14.5mm machine gun

At the end of March, 15 Viktor air defense systems were sent from the Czech Republic to Ukraine.

They were purchased with funds raised by volunteers.