Prince Harry Would Be The Next King Of The United Kingdom For …

Prince Harry, the youngest son of King Charles III of the United Kingdom, is one of the most popular members of the British royal family. However, he is currently battling with his family over some alleged injustices he and his wife Meghan Markle experienced while living as royalty. However, and through a powerful prediction by Mostradamus, it has been stated that he will be his father's successor to the throne, and not Prince William.

British writer Mario Reading, who through a book explains each of the predictions that the iconic French prophet Nostradamus made through his legendary poems, told what the future holds for the British monarchy. Through writing, Reading recounted Nostradamus' prediction of Carlos III's possible resignation to the crown. However, he also said which of his two sons will succeed him, and it is not the Prince of Wales.

The book tells how the French prophet says that "Someone who would never have imagined becoming king will be 38 years old". In this sense, whoever will be that age will be the Duke of Sussex, and not his older brother.

However, I don't know why William won't take the lead. But there are only two ways for his younger brother to take the throne; relinquish his royal titles and abandon his family, or die. The predictions that Nostradamus made caused a lot of controversy in the public eye.

However, a large part of the population knows that some prophecies that have been made have come true to the letter. This is the case with the age of death of Queen Elizabeth II, who died at the age of 96, and which Nostradamus would have already predicted by stating that she would have died 5 years before the age at which her mother died. And as we know, the Queen Mother died at the age of 101.

In this sense, and despite all the controversy that their fight has generated, Prince Harry is the one who should become the next king of the United Kingdom, as raised in Nostradamus' predictions.