Prince Harry, Meghan Markle spark a '$64K' question into future plans

Experts have started to question Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's future plans for the bigger Hollywood bucks.
A senior executive source from Disney gave birth to these questions. According to a report by the Mail Online, the source in question, even went as far as to wonder, "What Harry and Meghan do next is the £64,000 question everyone in Hollywood is asking."

"You could argue the bloom is starting to fade from the rose," because after all "What is their currency?" at the end of the day.

Even royal expert Daniela Elser chimed into the conversation and questioned, "Their most saleable commodity, their willingness to energetically lay bare the inner workings of royal life - like the Edward Snowdens of Kensington Palace (Willy-leaks?) - is one with a limited shelf life."

Thus "They simply cannot keep regurgitating their tales of woe and expect audiences to remain interested, let alone sympathetic."