The occupiers in Balakliia set up a prison, where they tortured people – National Police 

TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2022, 22:12 Serhii Bolvinov, head of the Investigation Department of the Main Department of National Police in Kharkiv Oblast, said that during the occupation of Balakliia, the invaders set up a prison in the police department and tortured citizens there. Source: Bolvinov on Facebook

Quote from Bolvinov: "At the police department in recently occupied Balakliia, the Ruscists [Russian occupiers - ed.] set up a headquarters. But this is not even the worst -- there, in the basement of the department and in the building opposite Baldruk [a publishing house -- ed.], the Ruscists installed a prison and a torture chamber for local residents."

Details: He said that during the entire time of the occupation, there were at least 40 people in the basements, who were fed nothing but plain porridge. The occupiers detained individuals who served or had relatives serving in the military, and they also looked for people who helped the Ukrainian army.

The invaders also grabbed people right off the street for no reason at all. So, for example, one man spent 46 days in prison because the occupiers found a photo of his brother wearing a Ukrainian military uniform.

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According to witnesses, prisoners were subjected to various types of torture, including electric shocks.

Bolvinov said that the investigators have information about residents of the city who had been murdered. Among those who were killed, some are known to have been shot at the checkpoint by the Russians on the last day of the occupation. The details of the event are still being ascertained.

Background: On 13 September, Hanna Maliar, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, said that the Ukrainian army liberated over 300 settlements [3,800 km2 of land] in Kharkiv Oblast within just a few days of the beginning of the large-scale counteroffensive.

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