Prince Harry and William coming to blows? Camilla partying? Alison …

Artist Alison Jackson has launched her coronation-themed exhibition 'The Crown' in London and it is quite controversial. Just a few weeks after Prince Harry claimed that Prince William attacked him, the British photographer has captured the alleged incident while using stand-ins to recreate the scene.

Fake royal procession with King Charles and Camila look-alikes tricks thousands of fans in London

William is seen strangling his brother in more than one picture, while the two lookalikes can be heard arguing in one video produced by Jackson. Meanwhile, Camilla has also been a subject of many pictures taken by Jackson, who explained why she likes the Queen Consort.

"I love Camilla, she is forthright, racy and fun and she is a party girl who likes to smoke and drink, it is fun to depict a sexy older woman," Jackson stated.

How does Alison Jackson work with her Royal lookalikes?

Alison Jackson has created these images by working with lookalikes, although that doesn't come without its own problems. "One problem I have is that my Charles won't go in a carriage with my Prince Harry," Jackson said. "He identifies with the real King Charles and he doesn't want to do it, and I don't want to upset him at this point."

There was also a problem with getting the exact right shade for Harry's hair. "We do have a hair problem with Harry, as the Harry I use has more hair and it's the wrong shade of red," the artist explained. "I have got him to dye it and asked him to shave it off around the top and back, but that didn't go down well.

He told me to bog off. "The beautiful women are quite easy but it's very difficult for King Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry. I am always looking out for them."

There is money in the world of royal lookalikes

Jackson also explained that this can be a very lucrative business.

"Sometimes people don't want to admit that they look like someone or they might not want to go through the bother of contacting an agency, but they can make really good money," she said.