MiG-29 with no identification marks spotted over Poland

29 April, 2023 A pair of MiG-29s in the sky over Tricity in Poland, April 26, 2023 Polish airspotters have photographed MiG-29 aircraft without any identification marks in the sky above the country. A photo of a pair of aircraft was published on April 26 on the Hellduck Media page.

The fighter jets were spotted over Tricity, the agglomeration of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot in northern Poland. Most likely, these are aircraft that the Republic of Poland is preparing to hand over to the Ukrainian Air Force.

A pair of MiG-29s in the sky over Tricity in Poland, April 26, 2023

As previously reported, Poland announced that it had already handed over 8 Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine and was preparing to transfer 6 more. In addition, Germany has approved the application for the transfer of Polish MiG-29s to Ukraine, which previously belonged to the Air Force of the German Democratic Republic.

MiG-29 fighter jets without identification marks over Poland, April 26, 2023

In 2002, Germany sold Poland 23 units of such aircraft.

Previously, Slovakia started transferring its MiG-29s to Ukraine.