Media: Moldovan police to fine people wearing St. George's ribbon on May 9.

Moldovan police will fine those wearing the St. George's ribbon on May 9 as "a symbol of (Russian) military aggression," Moldovan outlet Newsmaker reported[1] on May 4. Wearing the St.

George's ribbon will only be permitted only if it is part of a medal, Viorel Cernautanu, the head of Moldova's General Inspectorate of Police, said. The "Z" and "V" Russian war symbols will also be banned. The orange-and-black striped St.

George's ribbon is one of the most common symbols representing the Soviet Union's victory over the Nazis during World War II. However, it has since become a symbol of the Russian military and its genocidal war against Ukraine. Cernautanu said that the proliferation of symbols glorifying Russian aggression "can create a risk of unrest and a threat to national security."

Russia's war against Ukraine has led to heightened security concerns in neighboring Moldova. Moldovan President Maia Sandu said[2] on Feb.

13 that a Russian plan had been uncovered to stage a coup d'etat, involving attacks on government buildings and hostage-taking. On Feb.

23, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed[3] that Ukraine was planning a provocation against Transnistria. Transnistria hosts 1,500 Russian troops and a large Soviet-era arms depot. Internationally recognized as part of Moldova, it has been occupied by a Russian-backed proxy state since 1992.

In a claim quickly denied by Chisinau, the Russian Defense Ministry alleged that the "provocation" would involve units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces disguised as Russian soldiers, specifically the Azov battalion.  

Investigation: Leaked document exposes Kremlin's 10-year plan to undermine Moldova Editor's note: This story is a collaboration between the Kyiv Independent and media partners, including Delfi Meedia (Estonia), Expressen (Sweden), Dossier Center (U.K.), Rise Moldova, Frontstory, VSquare (Poland), Suddeutsche Zeitung, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Rundfunk WDR, Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Ge...

[4] The Kyiv Independent news desk

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  1. ^ reported (
  2. ^ said (
  3. ^ claimed (
  4. ^ Investigation: Leaked document exposes Kremlin's 10-year plan to undermine MoldovaEditor's note: This story is a collaboration between the Kyiv Independent and media partners, including Delfi Meedia (Estonia), Expressen (Sweden), Dossier Center (U.K.), Rise Moldova, Frontstory, VSquare (Poland), Suddeutsche Zeitung, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Rundfunk WDR, Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Ge... (