Moldova to join EU in limiting Ukrainian food imports

On Saturday, 6 May, Moldova's Minister of Agriculture Vladimir Bolea told his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solskyi that Chisinau will join the European Union's initiative to limit the import of agricultural products from Ukraine. Source: European Pravda, citing the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova Details: Moldova's Agriculture Ministry said in a press release that the country intends to join the EU decision to introduce temporary limits on the import of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower from Ukraine; no restrictions were introduced on these foods' transit through EU countries.

During a meeting, Bolea told Solskyi that Moldova had stored a significant amount of grain, causing local farmers to worry that there would not be enough room to store this year's harvest.

"Meanwhile, domestic grain exports are trending downward, logistics costs have risen, and international exchange prices have collapsed. Our agricultural workers need to use the stored grain as effectively as possible, and prepare for the new harvesting season," Bolea added. He stressed that Chisinau stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, who are suffering the effects of the Russian war of aggression, and is prepared to engage in "constructive dialogue with the Ukrainian government" to address the issues faced by farmers in both countries.

During the meeting, the agriculture ministers agreed to strengthen the dialogue at the level of their ministries in order to facilitate information exchange and develop ties between the two countries' agricultural community.

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  • On 2 May, the European Commission adopted exceptional and temporary preventive measures on limited imports from Ukraine, after five EU member states accused Ukrainian agricultural imports of causing local prices to crash.
  • The European Commission's new regulations thus overrode the unilateral decisions of five countries, applying an import ban to four agricultural products: wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds from Ukraine.

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