Redditch MP welcomes controversial Illegal Migrant Bill

REDDITCH MP welcomes the controversial Illegal Migration Bill clearing the final stages in the House of Commons.

Rachel Maclean has supported the Bill through every stage, and has said she is delivering on the 'promise I made to my constituents'.

"It's a shame Labour voted against the Bill. "They talk the talk on tackling illegal migration, but when it comes to it they will never back up their words with action. "I voted to stop the boats because it is unfair on those with a genuine case for asylum when our capacity to help is taken up by people coming here illegally from countries that are safe and it is unfair on the British people."

The Bill will see that anyone entering the UK illegally will not be able to remain and, instead, be swiftly detained and removed. Mrs Maclean added: "This Bill does not stop us from helping the world's most in need. We're a compassionate country and that will continue to be the case.

"There is a clear difference between helping refugees and economic migration, and that has clearly been lost in this debate. "We have the sovereign right to decide who can or cannot enter our country. Our friends around the world do just that including Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

I'm pretty sure they are not viewed as bigoted countries!

"We need an immigration system built around the needs of our economy, and not one decided by criminal gangs making vast amounts of money by sending people across the Channel on small boats."