Russia deports another 150 children from occupied Luhansk Oblast

On 8 June, Russia illegally deported at least 150 children from occupied Luhansk Oblast in eastern Ukraine. Source: Ukraine's National Resistance Center Quote: "On 8 June, 150 children from the Starobilsk district, Luhansk Oblast, were illegally taken to Lesnoy and Sosenka health and recreation centres in the Prikuban district of Russia's Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

These centres are expecting up to 750 children from the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Oblast to arrive in June."


Details: Ukraine's National Resistance Center also reported that children on the territories temporarily occupied by Russia are being forced to undergo "comprehensive preventive medical exams". Children who "fail" the examination are sent to the Russian Federation "for rehabilitation". Quote: "The Russian government has allocated 1.5 billion roubles [approximately US£18 million] to this procedure, which amounts to kidnapping Ukrainian children.

The Russian Health Ministry is overseeing the process, which is supervised by Maria Lvova-Belova, the Russian Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights. In fact, no quality medical examinations take place. The majority of funds are embezzled at several levels, including by occupation administrations and doctors that have arrived from the Russian Federation supposedly to conduct these examinations. [The examinations] are a sham and serve to cover up the kidnapping of [Ukrainian] children."

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