Security Service of Ukraine finds out which Russian units could be behind missile strikes of 15 November

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) believes that servicemen from the 184th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment and the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation were involved in the massive missile attack on Ukraine on 15 November. Investigators are currently establishing the names of all perpetrators of war crimes. Source: Security Service of Ukraine, citing Vasyl Maliuk, Acting Head of the SSU

Quote by Maliuk: "Currently, the employees of the Service are working to establish all the facts and the specific perpetrators of the missile strikes. Missile fragments and other material evidence found at the sites of the strikes have already been sent for examinations." Details: The SSU said that servicemen from the 184th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation, which is part of the 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division, were probably involved in the attacks.

The SSU is also checking the theory that the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation participated in the attacks.

SSU investigators are working to name the perpetrators of these crimes and establish the identity of individuals who ordered the airstrikes. The SSU opened a total of 17 criminal proceedings concerning the large-scale missile attacks on Ukraine on 15 November (Article 438.1 of the Criminal Code; violation of the laws and customs of war). The information on these cases will be added to the evidence base that Ukraine is collecting to submit to international courts.

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  •  On 15 November, Russian missiles hit residential buildings in central Kyiv, killing at
  • at least one civilian.

    At least half of Kyiv's households have been left without power as a result of the Russian missile attack.

  • Russia also launched missiles on Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Volyn, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava and Kharkiv oblasts.
  • Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for Ukraine's Air Force, said that Russian forces had launched around 100 missiles on Ukraine on 15 November.
  • Kyrylo Tymoshenko, Deputy Head of the President's Office, reported that 70 out of 90 Russian missiles were shot down; however, more than 7 million people have been left without power.
  • Early reports suggest that one person was killed and six more sustained injuries as a result of Russia's large-scale missile attack on 15 November.

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