Attacks on Sumy Oblast: 169 explosions in one day, one wounded

Russian troops attacked Sumy Oblast 32 times during the past day, and 169 explosions were recorded. One person was wounded and damage caused. Source: Sumy Oblast Military Administration 

Details: Russian forces attacked 22 settlements in 7 hromadas, including Krasnopillia, Bilopillia, Yunakivka, Esman, Znob-Novhorodske, Seredyna-Buda and Velyka Pysarivka [a hromada is an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories - ed.]. Krasnopillia hromada was fired on from mortars (30 explosions), self-propelled guns (27 explosions) and artillery (5 explosions).


A civilian was wounded. Three private houses and a vehicle repair station with a tractor and a transformer were damaged.

Bilopillia hromada came under mortar fire (15 explosions). Artillery fire from self-propelled guns (8 explosions) were recorded in the Yunakivka hromada.

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There was mortar fire (40 explosions) in Esman hromada.

Russian forces also dropped two VOG grenades from a drone. Russian forces fired on Znob-Novhorodske hromada with mortars, causing 5 explosions. The Russian occupiers fired on Seredyna-Buda hromada with tubed artillery (8 explosions) and mortars (10 explosions).

They also  dropped one VOG grenade from a drone. A water tower was damaged. There was artillery shelling (2 explosions) in Velyka Pysarivka hromada.

Russian forces fired from tubed artillery (2 explosions), mortars (12 explosions), and dropped one VOG grenade from a drone.

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