EU Corruption

Ukrainian Populism Approaches EU

Tens and thousands of civilian-military people perished in the first year of the Russo-Ukraine war. And the war continues with no end in sight. As the ongoing war enters its second year, it threatens to develop into a nuclear conflagration. But no seri…

Search for a country

There were many reasons why I embraced the USA as my country almost fifty years ago. Apart from the obvious comfort and convenience, the feeling of independence and self-reliance, opportunities to become whoever I wanted to be, freedom of speech, spiri…

Letters to the editor

Nothing has changed
Evarist Bartolo was right in his piece ‘The Maltese were nothing’ (March 31). The various speeches he quoted are evidence of the matter-of-fact way Malta was treated by its masters.
He then moved on to speak of the virtues, etc., of…