the Republic of Belarus

Satellite images of the military equipment at the Lepelsky training ground in Belarus released online

Journalists released satellite images from the Lepelsky training ground in Belarus. The military equipment and positions of the personnel were spotted there.

RFE/RL Belarus received the photo from Planet Labs.

It is noted that this is the first high-resolution image of the Lepelsky training ground in the Vitebsk region. This is one of the first sites to which echelons with Russian military equipment and personnel have been arriving, approximately since October 18, 2022.

Back then, joint exercises of the so-called Regional Group of Forces of Belarus and Russia were announced.

Розташування полігону "Лепельський" Джерело: Радіо Свобода

Journalists emphasize that in January 2023, the Russian military continues arriving at the training ground.

Meanwhile, the inspection of the 19th Guards Mechanized Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces, located in the Zaslonava village near the training ground, also continues.

Розташування полігону "Лепельський", військового містечка та залізничної станції "Заслонова", січень 2023 Білорусь Фото: Planet Labs (опубліковано "Радіо Свобода")

According to the Belarus Gayun analysts, provided that the Belarusian military left for another training ground, the Russian military is really present at Lepelsky.

Навчання 19-ї гвардійської окремої механізованої бригади ЗС Білорусі на 227 загальновійськовому полігоні в Мінській області. 12 січня 2023 Фото: Міноборони Білорусі

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Defense of Belarus published a photo of the 19th Guards Mechanized Brigade conducting exercises at the 227th combined arms training ground. It is located in the Borisovsky district of the Minsk region.

The released satellite images captured equipment, including trucks, presumably KAMAZs, tanks, and IFVs. According to RFE/RL estimates, at least 150 units of equipment were spotted.

Розташування військової техніки та наметів на полігоні "Лепельський". січень 2023. Фото: Planet Labs (опубліковано "Радіо Свобода")

In addition, two field camps were noted near the training ground – containing 14 and 30 tents. Each of them is approximately 10 by 5 meters long.

Zaslonova railway station is located to the north. The road from it leads directly to the training ground.

Two echelons with wagons and platforms for loading equipment were spotted at the station. Journalists emphasize that these are mainly tanks or IFVs. Trucks are also spotted among the vehicles.

Залізнична станція "Заслонова", січень 2023 Фото: Planet Labs (опубліковано "Радіо Свобода)

Also, one of the satellite images revealed that part of the equipment was taken out of storage-based garages.

Thus the pictures taken between December 13 and 18, 2022, demonstrate that the boxes are used to store infantry fighting vehicles.

База зберігання техніки на полігоні Лепельський, Білорусь. січень 2023 Фото: Planet Labs (опубліковано "Радіо Свобода)

The Belarus Gayun monitoring group noted that in December 2022, 13 Т-72B3 tanks were transferred to the training ground from the Russian Federation.

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